mengenai teater bahasa Inggris
- mengenai: as regards; bear upon to; bearing upon to; bore
- teater: legitimate stage; theater; theatre; drama;
- teater: legitimate stage; theater; theatre; drama; theatre, theater; dramatics; house; theatrical; playhouse; dramaturgy; dramatic art; performing arts; front of house
- mengenai: as regards; bear upon to; bearing upon to; bore upon to; born upon to; borne upon to; came in contact with; centennial; coming in contact with; concerning; had respect to; have respect to; having re
- genre teater: theatrical genres
- kotak teater: la loge
- lapangan teater: theatre square (moscow)
- latar teater: theatrical scenery
- popcorn (teater): popcorn (play)
- sejarah teater: history of theatre
- teater abbey: abbey theatre
- teater amatir: amateur theatre
- teater amazon: amazon theatre
- teater bolshoi: bolshoi theatre
- teater broadway: broadway theatre; broadway theatres
- The two later worked together at van der Linden's school and publishing house and shared an interest in traditional theatre, including wayang (puppets).
Dua tahun kemudian, ia bekerja di sekolah van der Linden dan mendirikan rumah dan menyebarkan pemahaman mengenai teater tradisional, termasuk wayang.